2009년 7월 27일 월요일

Calibri Squares

Calibri Squares, originally uploaded by inaudiblewhisper.

A desktop inspired by one of the wallpapers recently featured in this Lifehacker article.

The wallpaper itself can be found here in various sizes.

The top dock is RocketDock with the Lucid icon set. You can mess around with the icon sizes in the RocketDock settings to get them as central as possible in the squares.

The system stats are modified Enigma configs enlarged to fit in the squares. The stats in the taskbar are the standard Enigma configs.

The CD Art Display skin is custom. Both the modified Enigma configs and the CAD skin can be downloaded here.

The desktop is fairly customizable, you can have any of the stats and the CD artwork in any square. If your resolution is bigger and the CD Art doesn't fit perfectly in a square simply right click the skin, go to 'Skin Editor' and change the size as shown here.

Here's a simple but awesome tip for the wallpaper too! Open it in Paint, flip it horizontally and save as a new wallpaper. Then flip it vertically and save again. Then horizontally again and save again. This will give you 4 symmetrical wallpapers with different shades in different places. With Windows 7 you can then use the default desktop slideshow to have the wallpaper smoothly change between the 4 every 10 seconds giving a simple but really nice effect.

Enjoy :)

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